jcpoo's fibber

Monday, August 08, 2005


so i was thinking, since i've been having so many dreams lately, why and how dreams happen. like i mean.. are dreams basically just pieces of reality pieced together in a manner that means basically nothing? or is it something that might happen in our lives sometime in the future? or is it merely something that we wish we had but we won't get?

i've been trying to look for some good readings on dreams and maybe their interpretations. Well i guess not so much the interpretations but just how it happens and possibly why. i've had wild dreams like things that would probably not happen (eg. talking animals) to things that i wish would happen. Either way, that has gotten me to think about it lately. If you guys have any ideas about this, feel free to leave me some comments for me to think about.

In other news... i've still just been working a lot lately and on my days off, nothing interesting really happens... which really sucks seeing how school's going to start again soon and it's going to be a busy one. But time has gone by really fast so in no time, i'll be graduating and stepping into a whole new phase of life, hoping to find a career.

alright, that's enough talking for me! so... dreams! comments :) awesome!


  • At 2:54 AM, Blogger liam said…

    Dreams are messed up. I've had a couple times when they've actually been able to predict the future. Ooooh, how eerie.....


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